About FramoChem

Since 1993, FramoChem has been essential in supplying specialty chemicals to customers in the materials and life science markets. Together with our parent company VanDeMark Chemical in North America, a portfolio company of SK Capital, we offer a comprehensive line of phosgene derivatives and provide unmatched expertise in the development of custom phosgene chemicals and additional complex chemistries. Framochem offers a combination of technical expertise in batch and continuous processes, extensive business experience, and highly-trained personnel to safely provide high-quality products and service to customers worldwide. As a testament to this combination of high quality and exceptional service, Framochem can point to its long tenure with blue-chip companies in each of our key markets.

Our Purpose

We safely transform complex chemicals into essential ingredients for our customers’ products which help improve and protect lives.

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about us, or to get started on your project.

FramoChem’s Compliance

FramoChem is committed to providing high-quality chemical intermediates to our customers while adhering to safety and quality standards. These qualifications prove our commitment in this area and include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, REACH, Responsible Care, and more.

FramoChem Chemical Product Offerings

Over more than 30 years, FramoChem has developed a set of unique capabilities, allowing us to offer a broad range of products meeting the requirements of customers in the materials and life science markets.

Our chemistries provide important raw material in the syntheses of a wide range of chemical intermediates. Our offerings include:


Learn how FramoChem focuses on, and makes, sustainability an important part of our mission.


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